Sunday, September 7, 2008

Potential Research Project Topic (Blog Post #3)

Problem: The incidence of premarital sex among the youths in Singapore has risen tremendously over the past few years. As a result, cases like unwanted pregnancies, abortions, teenage mothers and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have also increased proportionately with the number of people engaging in premarital sex. This has a dire consequence on the youth population of Singapore, who are considered to be our country’s next generation of leaders and hope, as their general health and well-being are plagued by the negative outcomes of premarital sex. Thus what may seem to be a promising future and life for our youths can be easily vanquished by simply committing premarital sex. Some reasons for the promiscuity of our youths today are possibly due to the more liberal mindset and lifestyle, the down-regulation of moral and ethical values in today’s capitalistic society, improper and insufficient sex education and peer pressure among youths etc.

General Research Question: What are the viewpoints of NUS Science Faculty students regarding the issues of premarital sex and whether adequate and correct sex education should be introduced to the students in Singapore?

Attitudinal survey: University students being one of the groups of youths to step into society to work after graduation, should be sufficiently equipped with a sound knowledge of sex so as to be able to appropriately deal with different situations involving sex when they arise. Thus, our research group has decided to focus on students studying in NUS Science Faculty for this project and so a survey is needed to gather information and feedback from the students regarding the issue of premarital sex because every individual may have different attitudes and perceptions towards premarital sex. At the same time, we hope that the insights we have obtained may be able to justify the need for sex education among the youths of Singapore so as to reduce the frequencies of premarital sex and its aftermath complications. Hence the objective of this research project would be to inform and alert proper authorities such as the management of the Dean’s office of Science Faculty in NUS, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports as well as organizations including Social Development Unit (SDU) and Singapore Planned Parenthood Association (SPPA) concerning the issue of premarital sex so as to facilitate the implementation of policies, campaigns and programs to instill suitable sex education in schools for the benefits and welfare of our youths.


Yun Nian said...

Hi Zhilian, honestly boys think about nothing but sex. But I agree your research topic is feasible and applicable to society. Your research question and purpose of study are already pretty evident and sound.

Actually such surveys are done quite regularly by SDU and other social organizations so it is nothing new. I think we are just measuring the rate of change of views of youngsters towards pre-marital sex.

Gary Ng said...

Hi Buddy,I think your research topic is very feasible and relates to us.This has been a rising problem in teenagers and young adults like us. I would be quite interested to know what the result will be since many of us are influence by globalization and media. I thought sex education is introduced already??? Anyway, I think it would be great if you could include a section asking them on how to improve the sex education in Singapore. It will definitely be a good report for the various groups of people that you have identified.